'From Squeak3.6 of ''6 October 2003'' [latest update: #5424] on 15 November 2003 at 3:57:14 pm'! !SystemNavigation methodsFor: 'browse' stamp: 'sumim 11/15/2003 15:54'! browseAllCallsOn: aLiteral "Create and schedule a message browser on each method that refers to aLiteral. For example, SystemNavigation new browseAllCallsOn: #open:label:." (aLiteral isKindOf: LookupKey) ifTrue: [ ^ self browseMessageList: (self allCallsOn: aLiteral nonRecursively: Sensor leftShiftDown) asSortedCollection name: 'Users of ' , aLiteral key autoSelect: aLiteral key]. self browseMessageList: (self allCallsOn: aLiteral nonRecursively: Sensor leftShiftDown) asSortedCollection name: 'Senders of ' , aLiteral autoSelect: aLiteral keywords first! ! !SystemNavigation methodsFor: 'query' stamp: 'sumim 11/15/2003 15:56'! allCallsOn: literal nonRecursively: aBoolean | collection | collection _ self allCallsOn: literal. aBoolean ifTrue: [collection _ collection select: [ :ref | ref methodSymbol ~~ literal ]]. ^ collection! !