Date >> #yyyymmdd "Date を yyyy-mm-dd 形式の文字列で吐きだす"
"Answer the receiver rendered in standard fmt yyyy-mm-dd. Good for avoiding year 2000 bugs. The month and day numbers show leading zeros, so that for example feb 1 1996 is 1996-02-01"
"Date today yyyymmdd"
^ self printFormat: #(3 2 1 $- 1 1 2)
NuSwikiPage class >> #printDate: "日付表示書式の変更"
printDate: aDate
^(aDate dayOfMonth asString), ' ', (aDate monthName), ' ', (aDate year asString)
printDate: aDate
^ aDate yyyymmdd
NuSwikiPage >> #printTime
^ time print24
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