

[shelf] → templaes (shelf) → list "見栄え調整、コメント追加"

<title>Swikis on <?name?></title>
<h2>Swikis on <?name?></h2>

<p><font color=gray>本サイトには以下の <?countSwikiBooks?> 冊の Swiki ブックがあります。<br>最近、更新されたものから順に表示しています。</font><p>

[shelf] → templates (shelf) → logo "ロゴを右端へ移動"

<a href=""><?comancheImage?></a><br>
<em>Comanche 5.0 / Swiki 1.3</em><br>

<p align=right>Powered by <em>Squeak</em> and <a href=""><?comancheImage?></a><br>
<em>Comanche 5.0 / Swiki 1.3</em><br></p>

[shelf] → actions (shelf) → countSwikiBooks "Swiki ブック数表示のための追加アクション"

(shelf books select: [:book | book setup at: 'visible' ifAbsent: [true]]) size asString

[shelf] → actions (shelf) → swikiListing "列挙順変更"

| return swikis |
"Sort Swikis Alphabetically"
swikis _ shelf books asSortedCollection: [:a :b | (a name) < (b name)].
return _ WriteStream on: String new.
  nextPutAll: '<ul>';
  nextPutAll: String crlf.
swikis do: [:book | (book setup at: 'visible' ifAbsent: [true])
  ifTrue: [return
    nextPutAll: '<li>';
    nextPutAll: (shelf formatBookTemplate: 'listing' request: request response: response book: book);
    nextPutAll: String crlf]].
  nextPutAll: '</ul>';

| return swikis swikisCol swikis0 |
"Sort Swikis by its Modified Date and Time"
swikis0 _ shelf books select: [ :book |
  (book setup at: 'visible' ifAbsent: [true]) and: [book pages isNil]].
swikisCol _ (shelf books select: [ :book |
  (book setup at: 'visible' ifAbsent: [true])
    and: [book pages notNil]]) collect: [ :book |
      {book. (book pages asSortedCollection: [:x :y |
        (x date = y date) ifTrue: [x time > y time] ifFalse: [x date > y date]]) first}].
swikis _ (swikisCol asSortedCollection: [:x :y |
  (x last date = y last date)
    ifTrue: [x last time > y last time]
    ifFalse: [x last date > y last date]]) collect: [ :item | item first ].
swikis addAll: swikis0.
return _ WriteStream on: String new.
  nextPutAll: '<ul>';
  nextPutAll: String crlf.
swikis do: [:book | (book setup at: 'visible' ifAbsent: [true])
  ifTrue: [return
    nextPutAll: '<li>';
    nextPutAll: (shelf formatBookTemplate: 'listing' request: request response: response book: book);
    nextPutAll: String crlf]].
  nextPutAll: '</ul>';

[shelf] → templates (book) → listing "Swiki ブック一覧表示フォーマット変更"

<a href="<?toBook?>"><?name?></a><?size?><?description?>

<a href="<?toBook?>"><?description?></a> 全 <?size?> ページ<?accessCountDateUser?>

[shelf] → actiotns (book) → size "ページ数表示アクション変更"

(book pages)
  ifNil: ['']
  ifNotNil: [' (', (book pages size asString), ')']

(book pages)
  ifNil: ['']
  ifNotNil: [' (全 ', (book pages size asString), ' ページ)']

[shelf] → actions (book) → accessCountDateUser "最新更新ページの更新日/更新者取得用アクション作成"

| pages lastModifiedPage user |
(pages _ book pages)
  ifNil: ['']
  ifNotNil: [
    '<font color=gray size=-1>(', (pages collect: [ :page |
      ExAccessCounter default atBook: book page: page]) sum printString, ') ',
    ' <a href="',
      referenceShelf: shelf
      book: book
      page: (lastModifiedPage _ (pages asSortedCollection: [:x :y |
        (x date = y date) ifTrue: [x time > y time] ifFalse: [x date > y date]]) first)),
    '">最終更新</a>: ', lastModifiedPage printDate, ', ', lastModifiedPage printTime, ' &lt;',
    ((user _ lastModifiedPage user)
      ifNil: ['unknown']
      ifNotNil: [(user _ user copyFrom: 1 to: (user size min: 3)) = ''
        ifFalse: [user]
        ifTrue: ['unknown']]),

[shelf] → actions (book) → description "Swiki ブック表題表記変更"

(book settingsIncludes: 'description')
  ifTrue: [': ', (book settingsAt: 'description')]
  ifFalse: ['']

(book settingsIncludes: 'description')
  ifTrue: [book settingsAt: 'description']
  ifFalse: ['unnamed swiki']

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